Aadyanta Life’s Child psychology Program is all about understanding your child as a parent. The emerging trends of life and its styles has both benefits and adverse effects. Identification of the benefits and balance is the key towards the good mental health of child and parent.
- Through child psychology, the growing phases of children at various ages, different types of intelligences and the personality types of children are identified, making it easier for the parent to understand and know the child better
- The program aims to take the parents through the following concepts
- Balancing Work and Family
- Balancing Love and Discipline
- Consequences that Work
- Creating Cooperative Families
- Effective Parent-Child (Teacher-Child) Communication
- Enhancing Children’s Self-Esteem
- Getting in Step with Step-Parenting
- Handling Sibling Rivalry How to Turn a Terrible Two into a Terrific Two
- How to Handle Children’s Feelings “No I Won’t and You Can’t Make Me!” Effectively Handling Power Struggles
- That’s It, You’re Grounded: Parent-Teen Communication
- Parenting as a Team
- BACKTALK – 4 Steps to Ending Rude Behavior in Children
- Take the Hassles out of Homework
- Tame Those Tantrums
- How To Bully-Proof your Children

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