A recent visit to one of my close friend’s new office premise left me quite restless and turmoil-ed on my return.

The negative impact of sitting there for a few minutes on my mind and body was so enormous that I was compelled to inquire from my friend his mental and physical disposition ever since he shifted to his new premise. His response left me surprised and immediately pushed me to write this article on how and how much can bad office energy suck up and put an end to your health and career growth.
On inquiring my friend told me that ever since he has shifted to his new office he has lost two major business deals, lost his father, has increased his business losses and some key office personal left the job leaving a void behind. He also told me that every day he comes office with a lot of energy and by noon he feels tired and exhausted and generally ends up the day with either a strong headache or a quarrel with some employee/business associate or client. He said that “it’s now 5 months that he is yet to receive some good news from my business which can motivate me to progress and move forward”.
I immediately connected to one my acquaintance who is an expert in space energy management sciences (better known as Vastu/Fengshui science). The expert’s probe and rectifications of the challenges my friend was facing really opened my eyes and prompted me to share my thoughts and experiences I’ve gained ever since. Though my friend is now happy and continuing to enjoy his business growth, here are some insights which may those finding their office energies draining.
By keeping simple to avoid thing at your workplace undermentioned can be avoided:
Stress/anxiety, Depression/confusion, Stunted Career Growth, Interpersonal quarrels and conflicts, Money Challenges, Overall health, and wellness.
Things which can hinder your professional growth
- Check the overhead beams: It is most harmful to sit under an overhead building beam. Beams exert pressure which can be very detrimental to physical and career growth people sitting under them.
- Never sit facing south or west: Fascinating cutting-edge research in the field of neuroscience, shows how facing a certain direction is critical for integrated brain functioning and maximum mental performance. If you sit facing south or west directions your mind will remain confused, you will constantly struggle at work for concentration, focus, decision-making or any other mental functions. From the research findings, it is strongly indicated that facing east is by far the best direction to face, for peak work performance and all round mind-body integration. second best directions will be north or north-east. Don’t think the direction you face is only important at your desk. Your thinking, decision-making, and clarity will also be improved when facing east (or north) when conducting business meetings etc.
- Positioning your gadgets and files on your table: If you sit facing north, keep your files, folders and any electronic gadgets like computer etc. on the left side of your table. However, if your workstation faces the east, make sure that the aforementioned office equipment is kept on the right side of your table.
- The Shape of office table: Your worktable should be a regular shape, such as a square or a rectangle. L-shaped or irregularly shaped tables are not auspicious. An ideal table is one that has four corners. The length and breadth proportion of the table should not be more than 1:2. Irregular shapes create mental confusion and engage you in conflicts and quarrels. If the length of the table is bigger this also creates confusion and promotes delays. Never sit and work on conference size tables.
- Do not place idols or images of deities on your desk: This considered respectful being disrespectful to God our supreme creator. Idols should be provided a separate individual place.
- Eating food at workstation: Avoid eating food at your workstation/table. It is understood as the workstation is only meant for working and dealing the business, other kinds of work should not be performed on the table.
- Keep your t
able clean and uncluttered: Your workstation is considered to be a business place (a place where goddess Lakshmi lives). Any clutter not liked by Ma Lakshmi so cleanliness is a prerequisite. Clutter is responsible for the confusion and problems all around. It may create disharmony at the business place between the people and severely deplete your money.
- Document storage: a) Files in the office should be kept on the western sides of the wall. The sensitive files of court cases and taxation matters to be kept on the northeastern sides. b) Bank papers and the bank files to be kept in the southwestern areas. The Kesar or kumkum tilak should be applied on the banks and account books. c) Cash safe should also be kept on the southwestern part in the office. This is the stable direction and the cash kept here gives a stable effect.
- Sitting under clutter: Sitting at a place where there is scrap or clutter on the floor above can have the very negative effect on one’s health and money.
- Energizin
g your workstation with Crystals: Various kinds of semiprecious crystals and yantras can help you energize your work-space and reduce stress and anxiety at the same time help you deliver your best output on a continuing basis.
- Get your workstation/office space scanned by a professional: If you are facing any challenges at work in the above-mentioned terms the advice is to get your office space checked immediately. A lot of negativity can be avoided by managing the energies of your work-space positively.

About the Author
Dr. Amitabh Singh is the founder of AadyantaLife and Bio-Energetic & Crystal Healer and Wellness Coach. He provides Alternative and Complementary Healing therapies to difficult ailments including Cancer. He specializes in Mindfulness Meditation Coaching for Corporate and Business Leaders. His thought-provoking Enlightening Lectures.